Category: health

Good In – Good Out

February 23, 2016 When I took my first computer class in high school (yes early 80’s), the teacher kept emphasizing GIGO …. if the programming was bad, we were not going to get the results we wanted.  Now decades later, the truth is driven home!  In Luke the bible says out of the heart the …

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Start your day right

 January 23, 2016 The only sure fire way I know to have a rocky day is to get  rough start to my day.  How many times have you heard someone say “I just got up on the wrong side of the bed.” I have a pretty set morning routine … the timing of it may …

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Make Time for You

January 19, 2016 I love people.  I love spending time with others especially if I am able to help them in some way.  The past couple of days have been filled with lots of helping! Literally – If I have been awake – with the exception of getting my hearing aids checked out – I …

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Help Each Other Out

January 16, 2016 One of my favorite things about our Plexus business is that we get to help other people do things they never realized they could!  It’s like our title should be Dream Builder.  Today, in just under an hour, I get to help one of my closest friends launch her business.  I will be hosting …

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Get it done early

January 15, 2016 I am definitely more of a night owl than I am an early bird.  Almost a year ago, I read a leadership book that talked about habits of successful people.  One of the common habits was getting up early … seriously!  I was hoping it was going to say something about daily dark …

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Vegas, Here We Come

January 9, 2016 Today was Super Saturday for Plexus.  Outside of annual convention, it is the largest training that our corporate office puts on for its ambassadors.  Nothing like a day filled with incredible training and education that motivates, inspires, and energizes all who attend! They unveiled a brand-new Success Kit chock-full of everything an Ambassador …

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Clean eating takes preparation

 January 8, 2016 We have had the goal of clean healthy eating in the past and it always felt too hard or too expensive. This year – we are starting with a Facebook group of over 400 people sharing tips, ideas and encouragement. A collective group really can make a huge difference in mindset and my …

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Starting the Whole30 Challenge

January 7, 2016 Today is our official start date! For the next 30 days: no sugar, no grains, no beans, no dairy, and no alcohol I am going to clean house so to speak. I will eat food mostly the way God made it.  This will include lots of fruits, veggies, nuts, eggs, and a variety of meats.  Loads of yumminess is heading …

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Physically fit or pfft

January 6, 2016 Today was my first day back to Camp Gladiator in several weeks and 5:15a came so early … I never thought I would miss Whitney, our lead trainer – but I did miss her over the holidays.  She knows her stuff and is really making a difference in my life.  She can kick my …

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