Category: traumatic brain injury – TBI

What is home?

January 24, 2019 With as much as we loved our condo, I never thought we would ever consider selling it and moving. Little did I know, my plans needed to change to match God’s. In the midst of travels and hospital stays during the last half of 2018, we learned so much about Thad’s brain …

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Where are you?

It always leaves me in awe how God shows up … This past weekend it was during my 3Q reflections.  I looked back on the year and then plan for what is to come!  It’s a quarterly process I enjoy.  A chance to see where I’ve been, be grateful for each part of the journey …

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17 months

Today is 17 months post injury for Thad and it also marks Day 1 of the next leg of his journey. He first attempted going back to work last April – then had a setback in May – started building up again in June and made it up to almost 23 hours a week before the …

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Grieving With Hope

After the past months of a steady decline leading up to a couple of really hard weeks where all I know to do is fall on my face in the presence of God … He had me reflecting on all he has done and what he is teaching me. I’ve shared pieces and glimpses into …

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9 months

It’s been 9 months since Thad’s accident …. and just like it takes that long to make a baby, it feels like we are finally getting to a place of understanding more about this new life we have. Progress is not as expected but stability is a very good thing at this point in life.  After …

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7 Months and Counting

This is the most honest description of our past 7 months. 7 months ago tonight I was overwhelmed with how bad Thad’s injuries were yet incredibly grateful he was still alive. Tonight – after watching him fall asleep, my feelings are a lot the same. I still want to know every detail of what is going …

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5 months

Having been in bed basically asleep for 3 days …. Today’s anniversary snuck up on me. Unfortunately – Thad seems to be getting it now too 💚 5 months post injury 💚 In our adult life, we have never referred to things in weeks or months until Brain Injury. Not ever having children, I couldn’t understand how …

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Happy Anniversary

It is somewhat weird figuring how to say what I am feeling when it comes to celebrating 22 years of marriage to  Thad. The past couple of decades has been quite a roller coaster of highs, lows, twists and turns. Though nothing can ever prepare you for the challenges that come with a brain injury. …

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Let God

January 2017 So much change …. My inner control freak is fighting to come out and I seriously just want to get out of the way and release any and all control!  I think I am doing ok and then there is another change, another revelation, another something completely and totally unexpected. I am a …

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All for our Good and His Glory – even Brain Injury

So Wow!  This is not at all what I thought was coming and I had no idea what was going on in my hubby’s head. Praying that God will keep me present and protect me from all of the ways I am beating myself up for not doing a better job getting him help sooner. …

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