Honoring My Circadian Rhythm

Good morning, y’all! Today, I want to share with you my commitment to witnessing the sunrise each day and how this one seemingly minor shift appears to be changing everything! God promises His mercies are new every morning and I’m coming to realize how deeply I’m connected to and impacted by the natural flows He created in our circadian rhythms.
For those who might not be familiar, our circadian rhythm is like an internal clock that runs in the background of our brain and cycles between sleepiness and alertness at regular intervals. It’s what tells our bodies when it’s time to wake up and when it’s time to wind down. It’s fascinating to explore how God changes sunlight during the day and uses that to trigger physiological changes in me to give me energy or to signal the shift to periods of rest.
Seeing the sunrise isn’t just about catching a beautiful moment, although that’s a pretty great perk. It’s about aligning my body with God’s rhythms for the earth, resetting my internal clock, and starting my day with intention. There’s something magical about the quiet of the morning, the soft light that paints the sky, and the fresh start that each new day brings. That uninhibited soft glow on my face and in my eyes actually emits light at frequencies that trigger chemicals in my brain to give me the ability to level, do, perform and be in every moment of every day.
Committing to this practice has been a game-changer for me. It’s improved my sleep quality, boosted my mood, and given me a sense of peace that truly does surpass understanding. It’s a reminder that no matter what happens during the day, I began it with God and received His gift of a moment of serenity filled with beauty.
But it’s not just about the feels—there’s science to back this up too. Exposure to natural light in the morning helps regulate our sleep-wake cycle, which can lead to better sleep and more energized days. It’s about going with the flow of our natural state, not against it. And let me tell you, it feels right.
So, I invite y’all to join me in this commitment. Whether it’s stepping outside with a cup of coffee, sitting on your patio for your morning meditation, taking a walk or just opening the door to let the light on you, try it out. Tune into the circadian rhythm and flow of life. Let’s greet the day together with open hearts and open eyes. Here’s to mornings that feel as good as that first stretch after a great night’s sleep.
#SunriseCommitment #CircadianRhythm #MorningRitual #Nature’sAlarmClock #WakeUpWithTheSun #MorningSerenity #DailyIntention #SleepHealth #RiseAndShine #NewDayNewStart #PeacefulMornings #EmbracingTheDay