January 22, 2016
I remember dancing around the house to a song – “Taking care of business, working overtime!” Catchy tune and yes, I am sorry that you may now be singing that all day long!
When I started my career, this lyric became my mantra – get it done no matter what! I was a task master on a good day and a slave driver on my worst. Every deadline had to be met and this mentality turned me into a hot mess that no one wanted to be around. Eventually that world crumbled in around me and my life changed in an instant.
Almost 12 years later, I still have “business” to take care of … lots of good stuff going on in my world. And it is a season of transition and so new stuff has started and old stuff is winding down. It is all good stuff – there is just a boatload of it right now.
My goal over the next couple of weeks …. take care of the hearts in my world as I work to get the tasks done. I do believe that if I keep God at the center and do the “work” as if I am working for him alone – the hearts will come first.
Please God help me and keep the task master list driven Lisa in a box somewhere so that loving Lisa that can do all things bringing glory to your name is the only one people encounter!