January 23, 2016
The only sure fire way I know to have a rocky day is to get rough start to my day. How many times have you heard someone say “I just got up on the wrong side of the bed.”
I have a pretty set morning routine … the timing of it may vary from day to day based on commitments or my physical location, but my mornings include a couple of must haves:
- Prayer time! Before my feet hit the floor, I have acknowledged and given thanks to God for the life I have and the day that is to come … Often, the Holy Spirit will bring other people and situations to mind to pray for as well.
- My Pink Drink! Yes, I am fanatical about my Plexus – because it works. I take Xfactor, MegaX and drink my Plexus Slim.
- Depending on the day – there might be a workout here! Still working to figure out what this really needs to look like to best support me spiritually and neurologically,
- Get ready. This time includes everything from peeing to brushing my teeth to getting dressed. My feet are on the floor and I am moving.
- Breakfast! My morning meal is what really gets the body going. My body knows my day is on once I get my protein.
- The final piece of my morning is time in The Word. This is when I immerse myself in the Word of God. He has been transforming me by the renewing of my mind years. I chose to embrace discipline to make time with Him about 7 years ago. I can not even imagine where I would be today without him. And yes, my time in the word is last – so it is the first thing on my mind when I begin whatever it is the day holds for me. It also gives me extended time with God if my “day” starts later.
I don’t know how you create the foundation for a great day, but I pray you find what works for you!