Open yourself to possibility


January 26, 2016

With God, anything is possible.  How open are you to whatever it is that God has for you?  Do you in your mind and in your heart limit God?  Are you willing to consider that you let your hurts from your past limit what you can do in the future?  Do you think that something from your past is too “bad” or too “big” for God to fully 100% tee-totally completely redeem?

I only ask because at one point in my life – That is exactly what I believed.  I didn’t think anything was possible – I was too broken and too messed up to ever have any kind of life.  Each day was filled with tormented existence.  But God!

Those two words can change everything …. but God is way bigger than our minds can ever imagine.  He loves you.  He sent His Son to die for you.  His Son rose from the dead 3 days later.  Because of the physical death of Jesus Christ – we can now stand holy and blameless before god without a single fault! (Colossians 1:22) That is just part of what happens when we believe and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Think about it …. God can use anything to get your attention.   For me, one of the things He used was a poem touting the blessing of poetry vs prose … yet when I read it – He opened my heart to the possibility of what He could do in and through me …. something to consider.  Seriously – open yourself to possibility!


I dwell in Possibility by Emily Dickinson


I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –
Of Chambers as the Cedars –
Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –
Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –