January 2, 2016
Family. You will hear a lot about them and so I thought you might like to be introduced =).
Thad is my hubby … we met in September 1993 at the Garth Brooks concert at Texas Stadium. He love Jesus and leads me well. He has taught me the value of playtime, downtime, and the perfect art of naps. He is the official King of Dorkdom and it took me a while, but I now embrace my role of Queen!
Bubby and Zeke are my twin boys – the four legged furry kind! They are schnorkies – a schnauzer yorkie mix. They love to run, go to the dog park, chase squirrels, play catch and will still snuggle and love in a puppy pile that we are often at the bottom of.
Bubby is the little one at just under 11 pounds. He also goes by Tiny Bubbles or Dragonslayer. He is way more Yorkshire Terrier in his personality – feisty and fun loving. He takes good care of me and seems to have the ability to let me know in advance when something neurological is going to happen.
Zeke is the big one. He also goes by Zekie-man and Tank. He is totally unaware of the fact that he is pushing 30 pounds and truly believes he is the same size as Bubby which is quite precious when he tries to fit in the same spaces. He is a big cuddly lap dog and will sit my you and lean on you with or without invitation.
And we have one angel girl Punkin … It has been 5 years since she went to the rainbow bridge, and we are still remembering the lessons she taught us while she lived.