Today is Day One

2016January 1, 2016

2015 felt like it was filled with amazing amounts of transformation and change in the Arms household. In reality, there was only one big change – my husband and I both decided to chase God and that changed everything else

A friend a few years ago captured the essence of her life in 4 words every day. Some was profound and yet many days captured the joy in the simplicity of living life. Those that know me, know I will take the simple and make it complex – It is time to just surrender into the joy of the life God gave me … This year I will be different.

Today really is my day one. This is the year that I can become Lisa. Daughter of the King. Wife of Thad. Mom to my furry twin boys. Friend to many. Mentor to some. And completely blessed beyond measure. I am choosing to open the door to anything and everything God has for me in 2016. Thanks for joining me for the journey.