God’s Got Us – We simply relocated to the hospital

November 15-18, 2016

This is not what I thought my Tuesday would be.  We were supposed to be making appointments to start physical therapy.  We were supposed to be making plans to start taking walks together. We were supposed to stay on the upward trajectory for healing. And God decided Thad’s recovery path is going to look a little different.  We woke up this morning and all of the progress he has made over the past month seems to have disappeared.

He doesn’t know what day, week, month or even year it is … He can’t find words … He is in a lot of pain … He is confused and isn’t completely sure who I am … He can’t keep his eyes open because lights are too much and he now has ear plugs in as any sound seems to be too much too … He is holding on to anything near him as his world spins out of control …. I’m scared … all I can do is pray because God is way bigger than anything we are facing!

I am grateful we are at a hospital with doctors and specialists and a lot of medical tests and evaluations that are going to help him and hopefully be able to tell me what is going on and why … Yes, God’s got us and it would be comforting to understand what is going on!

Update #1: Geek Alert

The doctors here are incredible.  They are answering questions and truly educating us – me – on what is going on and what is coming.  For the first time, I think I understand … When Thad’s car was hit head on, it started a chain reaction in his head. The brain is made up of millions of nerve cells connected by fibers called axons. When Thad’s head was thrust from side to side and front to back, some axons—which carry messages between brain cells—were torn, twisted or just plain sheared off.  Then as the impact moved through the car, the kinetic transfer of energy needed to make its final release.  It shattered the water bottle in his cup holder and what we now know – parts of his brain exploded in much the same manner.

Dr. Newsome, the neurologist, is using the term Closed Head Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) with Post Concussion Syndrome.  Some of the neuroimaging tests include magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), an electroencephalogram (EEG), and computed tomography (CT scan). She said the damage is there at the microscopic level and that these types of injuries to the brain’s axons usually will not show up on CT scans or MRIs. Radiologists will say the test results were in normal range.  She said we will know more about the parts of the brain damaged will come through OT, PT, cognitive and speech evaluations.  Oh my wow!  So much to take in …. God – help me be calm and trust you – you made Thad’s brain the first time and you know every detail right now!

Update #2:

Dr. Gurrapu, the internist, was pleased to see that Thad isn’t “sick” he is just injured!  This is a huge praise as there aren’t any – like NO underlying medical conditions that could complicate or create challenges for his recovery – Plexus for the Win! This opens up a whole new avenue for treatment moving forward.  There are some folks coming from a Neuro Rehab facility to help me understand what the next steps will be.  Ok God – I trust you – help me to not be so darn scared.

Update #3:

So Thad will be going to a place called PATE Neuro Rehabilitation in the near future …. there is no going “back to normal”.  Life will always be different and some of the changes in him may be permanent.  Too much to take in so I will attempt another update soon. God, I have to believe you’ve got this!