C is for Commit

This isn’t some fluffy fly-by-night concept.  This is the dig in, get dirty, do whatever it takes to get to the other side concept.


To yourself.  To the process. To your dreams.

Most of us have no idea what we are capable of accomplishing.  This is where you find out what you are really made of.

When you are invested and you want something bad enough, you make it happen.  When you are in enough pain and there is the slightest chance that something could be different, you do it. When you dream it is possible, you chase after it.  It’s your whole heart, mind, and soul fully engaged!

This is not something to take lightly or expect to have the emotions carry you through.  If you want to change and you want to succeed, you will need to go all in and burn the boats behind you. (If you are wondering what this means, you can read the whole story here.) Any consideration of Plan B weakens your commitment to Plan A!

Seal of every back door, window, escape hatch or alternate route.  You are in it to win it and you will never accept failure. This also doesn’t mean you are promised the ending you desire according to your plans – it simply means that you are fully dedicated to this course of actions … as Les Brown says, “It’s not over until I win!”  Whether 5 days, 5 months, 5 years or 5 decades – I will see this through … Go ALL in!