U is for Understand

As you work towards your goals and dreams, there will be different times when you have to consider others.  Step into their shoes and see things from their perspective.

Understand someone else’s point of view.  

The more you understand them, their needs and their motivation the more quickly you can help them get their dreams too.

Success very seldom happens in a vacuum and most likely your road to success will require the involvement of other people.  Partnering with people requires that you understand what makes them tick, what they are working towards and how they define success.

To understand others – start with curiosity.  Explore the wonder of who they are and how God wired them.  Each and every person is different and will have different though processes, behaviors and fears.  Be curious about all of their quirkiness.  Their hobbies, their down time, their love language, their wants, their needs, their desires, their goals, their vision for their life and their dreams.  The more you know about them, the more your can support them in their accomplishment and their success.

To discover these things about others grow your skills of asking deep probing questions with no preconceived notions.  So often we assume and fill in the blanks in areas that we don’t really know.  Tear down the walls that are built on your assumptions that may be completely off or feel very close to the truth.  And because we are all so different, we are often wrong and our past and our thoughts are influencing our perception of what is real.  Allow conversation to take place in judgment free zones!  When we are curious, we ask different questions because we really want to know about them. If you want blanks filled in – ask the questions.

Asking questions also provides an opportunity for growth, insight and change.  Questions can be used to gather data, gain clarity, make statements, communicate passion, seek feedback or create an opportunity for soul searching.  Be willing to sit in the silence and let them find their truth.

And finally listen to learn instead of listening to respond. Your ability to ask questions and listen gets better and more natural the more you are invested in the other person than you are in the outcome. Understanding is all about loving others and seeking genuine relationships with them.  Your will not be besties with everyone you are on the journey with, but I promise you – your ability to love all of them no matter what will directly impact your success.