There are going to be things you encounter on your success journey that you have absolutely no control over. Your response and reactions can propel you forward or bring you to a grinding halt!
YOU are your own x-factor!
Your mindset – your thoughts and beliefs will make or break you. It doesn’t matter if what happens is really really good or really really bad. Either direction – when there is a bump in the road, any bit of wonkiness, the wheels fall completely off, or if your DeLorean takes flight and you no longer need roads – it is you that will determine your success in these moments.
I believe that we take 100% ownership of everything in our lives, things can change for the better. I also believe that we are exactly where we are meant to be. I had a lot of wrestling to get to this place. It would be easy to blame my business delays, the necessary shift in our financial goals, and even the changes in our social circles on Thad’s accident and on the other driver. I didn’t want this change in my life and I thought my life was pretty good. BUT GOD wanted me to grow … to rely on Him more … to get uncomfortable … because He wants me in a different place!
If I stay externally focused, I can very easily work my way to an analysis paralysis starting with blaming and complaining moving right on through to anger and if left unchecked, their is a rage filled hellion that can make her presence known. And none of that has anything to do with the TRUTH of who I am!
Things won’t always go your way. They will quite possibly be some really bad things that happen to you or around you in your life. Train yourself now for how you will respond – Create your x-factor! Know who you are. Choose today to move your life forward. Take those thoughts captive – wrestle with them and make them obedient to Christ. If my life doesn’t look like I want it to – I am the only person that can change it! God gave me big girl panties for a reason – Action over fear y’all! Choose you. Be you. Do you!