The Unseen Beauty of Doing Scary Things

Time for a heart-to-heart: y’all we have to do the downright scary stuff. Staring down your fears doesn’t always mean a win. But, I guarantee you, it’s one giant leap towards it. The only way to make scary things less scary is action. That is the only way you feel better about doing them more frequently. And the more you do consistently, the greater your chance for success to happen. So go do your scary thing!
It’s like this – when you step up to the plate and swing at those scary pitches, you’re training yourself. Each swing, whether you miss or hit, you’re getting braver. And let me tell you, that bravery? It’s a muscle, the more you flex it, the stronger it gets.
You’re at a crossroads and you have a choice – one path’s all cozy and familiar, the other’s got “next level” written all over it. That’s the moment, right there, where you gotta ask yourself – am I gonna snuggle up in my safe zone, or am I gonna leap into what God’s got lined up for me? Only I can decide! Am I going to stay comfortable or jump to the next level? And y’all, sometimes you have to fling yourself out of your comfort zone with wild abandon to see what you are really made of.
I haven’t been able to travel or do much of anything independently for almost 3 years. I couldn’t tell you if it was that I didn’t trust myself or if I didn’t trust others to help if I became desperate . Either way it’s my responsibility to take full ownership of every single limit that I’ve experienced in my life. They were mine to own, just like every single leap of faith was mine to claim.
I had to do the work to make things happen and that it was my effort, commitment and dedication that brought me to this moment in time. Breathing through the fear, asking for help as needed and choosing authentic, choosing vulnerable changed me. I’m the one who did the legwork. My effort, my grit, and my heart – that’s what got me here. And choosing to be real, to be vulnerable, that’s what’s reshaping me. For that, I’m grateful.
So, what am I sayin’? Go on and do your scary thing. It might not be a surefire ticket to success, but it’s the road that leads there. And who knows? You might just find that the scariest steps are the ones that bring you the most joy. #LeapOfFaith #EmbraceTheJourney #BeBrave