Day 234568765435687654 of camp COVID Really it only feels like it because we have slept 22-23 of 24 hours every day for like the past 2 weeks So good news is we slept through aches, pains, coughs, GI excitement and a whole bunch of stuff in the world!
I believe God woke me up today so that I could celebrate and share my daddy. It seems the natural progression is to be born, play through childhood, rebel through teen years, grow up, make your way, and then at some point the scale tips. You are given the opportunity to give back, love on and take care of your daddy. I’m still trying to figure out when that tipping point is going to come.
It was my daddy who held me in the ER when I found out hunkyman’s brain was bleeding. It was my daddy who canceled a trip to see his siblings to help hunkyman during my back surgery. It was my daddy who brought hunkyman to the hospital every single day and made sure I was properly cared for. And every doctor appointment, test, neuro wonky day and then some he has carried me through – love, prayers, ubers, laughter, milkshakes, lego days, and then some. I am so grateful my daddy is mine! Happy Father’s Day …. I love you!