Last weekend before vacation

4-11 belong oceanJanuary 30, 2016

I am on a serious countdown to vacation … It is definitely a love/hate relationship at this point in time.  I have all of the excitement about taking off, relaxing, seeing new things combined with the apprehension of what needs to be done before I leave and don’t forget the it’d be nice to have done list!

Time to breathe through, prioritize and enjoy the countdown!

Take care of friends

imageJanuary 29, 2016

Just a quick note to remind you to take care of what is important …..

I’m with a friend at the ER until she gets her room.   I am so grateful for friends and the love that we share!

Do successful people activities

successful habitsJanuary 28, 2016

When Thad and I wanted to improve our marriage, we asked successful couples what they did.  When we needed to get our finances in order, we asked people that had their finances in order what they did.  When we decided to start our Plexus business, we wanted to know what the successful people did.  We didn’t know what we didn’t know and so we asked questions.  We read books that were suggested.  We took uncomfortable actions.  We noticed a trend and then stumbled onto this list …. We’ve saved it as a reference – Successful People Activities.  Enjoy!

Top 20 Things Successful People Do

1. Exercise in the morning.

Rise and shine! That’s right, highly successful people exercise before starting their day. It gives you a boost of energy and creates focus that lasts! It’ll help wake up your body and prepare you for the day. Anyone can tackle a pile of paperwork after a killer workout, right?

2. Wake up early. 

Waking up before the sun allows time to get things done before everyone else wakes up. It also allows for some important alone time, which fosters creativity. Early risers are one step ahead of the pack – calm, collected, and accomplished, when everyone else is feeling rushed.

3. Plan out their life 90 days in advance.

Research shows that successful people calendar things out ninety days in advance. With this intermediate time frame, you have a good idea of what you can actually get done, so you can estimate what you can actually do fairly accurately and make substantial progress towards a big goal.

4. Eat a healthy breakfast (I love my P96 shake with coconut milk).

Breakfast provides the nutrients and energy needed to jump-start your day after fasting overnight. Research shows willpower is also at its highest in the morning, so choosing a healthy breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day. I personally start every morning with quality protein.

5. Visualize their success (visioneering).

Highly successful people always visualize their success even before achieving it. They remind themselves what exactly they need to achieve and crush doubts before they even enter their minds.

6. Front load the day so the afternoon is easier than the morning.

Brian Tracy, in his book Eat That Frog, advises us to do the things that you dislike early on in the day. If you avoid procrastination and just do the thing you’re dreading, the rest of the day is easy!

7. They don’t use excuses.

Successful people take responsibility for their actions. If something goes wrong, they admit it and simply fix the problem. Successful people are determined to achieve their goals each day  —  no matter what. They don’t make excuses.

8. They understand their Why.

Successful people know they are driven by their Why and therefore have a deep understanding of it. A Why is a reason we do what we do. If you know your Why, then your path becomes clear. For more information on how to find your Why, read Start With Why by Simon Sinek. I haven’t personally read it, though several have recommended it.

9. They never give up.

Learning how to fail and keep moving forward is one of the greatest secrets to full-on success. Highly successful people know that giving up is NOT an option. Even if they fail, they learn what didn’t work, and move on from there.

10. They stay humble and constantly seek learning opportunities.

There’s a saying that successful people make sure they are not the smartest people in the room. They surround themselves with people who are smarter so they can constantly learn. They never stop growing. They know their limitations and admit when they don’t know something.

11. Unplug weekly.

It’s important to let your brain fully relax and spend uninterrupted time with loved ones. Happy and successful people make it a point to take a break from all screens and get outside. When at home, be completely present. Make sure loved ones know they are valuable and needed.

12. They network and build social relationships.

Relationships might just be the key to your success. To succeed, you need real connections. People will not trust someone they don’t know. Reach out to those whom you want to be part of your life, even if just your professional life, for a long time. Forget about receiving and focus on giving, and you will receive in return.

13. They listen to their gut.

Entrepreneurs place a high emphasis on intuition and instinct. They listen to the information around them, then trust the answer that emerges from within. For me personally, this requires prayer!

14. They are present and live in the moment.

Successful people know that no amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of anxiety can change the future. So why concern yourself with it? It’s impossible to reach your goals or your full potential if you’re constantly somewhere else.

15. Step out of your comfort zone to stretch the edges of your ability.

In today’s world, those who are willing to take risks and step out of their comfort zone to push themselves to grow will be those who will reap the biggest rewards. Are you letting your fear of anything keep you from taking those actions or engaging in those conversations that will move you forward?

16. Find a role model or mentor.

Mentors can reduce the time it takes for you to become successful. Usually, they have already figured out what DOESN’T work, and are willing to share those nuggets with you. You don’t actually have to know your mentor. Many of my mentors are those whom I admire. The training they offer, the words of wisdom they share, the books they write, the sermons or podcasts they make available … it can all be phenomenal and anyone can benefit from their knowledge just by logging on to their site or podcasts! I do also believe in the relationship power of inviting someone personally in to speak truth that will love you enough to help you get where you are called!

17. They take naps.

Napping can restore energy, prevent burnout, reduce the risk of heart disease, and make you more productive! Napping can restore the sensitivity of sight, hearing, and taste. It also improves your creativity by relaxing your mind and allowing new associations to form in it. So if you’ll excuse me, I think I’ll go take a nap now.  🙂

18. They create and pursue S.M.A.R.T. goals.

S.M.A.R.T. goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Timely. You can achieve almost any goal you set if you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. Goals that seemed out of reach before, eventually become attainable, because you have a road map of steps for how to get there. Always know your next step!

19. They focus on making small, continuous improvements.

In his book, The Compound Effect, Darren Hardy talks about focusing on those small, every day steps that over time, add up to big gains. Successful people don’t become that way over night. They work their way there, day after day, year after year. They consistently do the little things that others don’t want to do.

20. They fail forward and learn from their mistakes. Rather than giving up, they use that information to make improvements.

Great success isn’t instantaneous, and failure isn’t fatal. In fact, it is REQUIRED for innovation success. I love the acronym First Attempt In Learning! Success is the result of trial and error over time. If you fail (and if you’re human, you will), don’t let it freak you out. Get back on that horse, learn what went wrong and keep going.

Stop Wishing. Start doing.

stop wishingJanuary 27, 2015

No matter what you want in or from your life – at some point action will be required.  I have yet to hear of a single person ever “getting” something they wished or hoped for without ever lifting a finger.

Doing can take on many forms:

– Change a thought or your words

– Study or read

– Physical action

– Pray

– Share

Literally there are thousands of things anyone can do …. I hope you will think of what you really want – that big huge wish – and figure out what you need to do to get it!

Open yourself to possibility


January 26, 2016

With God, anything is possible.  How open are you to whatever it is that God has for you?  Do you in your mind and in your heart limit God?  Are you willing to consider that you let your hurts from your past limit what you can do in the future?  Do you think that something from your past is too “bad” or too “big” for God to fully 100% tee-totally completely redeem?

I only ask because at one point in my life – That is exactly what I believed.  I didn’t think anything was possible – I was too broken and too messed up to ever have any kind of life.  Each day was filled with tormented existence.  But God!

Those two words can change everything …. but God is way bigger than our minds can ever imagine.  He loves you.  He sent His Son to die for you.  His Son rose from the dead 3 days later.  Because of the physical death of Jesus Christ – we can now stand holy and blameless before god without a single fault! (Colossians 1:22) That is just part of what happens when we believe and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior.

Think about it …. God can use anything to get your attention.   For me, one of the things He used was a poem touting the blessing of poetry vs prose … yet when I read it – He opened my heart to the possibility of what He could do in and through me …. something to consider.  Seriously – open yourself to possibility!


I dwell in Possibility by Emily Dickinson


I dwell in Possibility –
A fairer House than Prose –
More numerous of Windows –
Superior – for Doors –
Of Chambers as the Cedars –
Impregnable of eye –
And for an everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky –
Of Visitors – the fairest –
For Occupation – This –
The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise –

Focus on these things

141008-philippians48January 25, 2016

PHilippians 4:8 popped into my email this morning as the verse of the day.  God’s perfect timing – isn’t it always.  Things can get chaotic.  Life can be challenging.  News can be depressing.  Friends can experience loss.  And God is still good.

I am in the final week of some commitments which often brings some craziness.  And my mind is racing a wee bit more than feels manageable, yet I know it is all good.  It is part of my learning to rely on the Lord at a whole new level.  Each and every time I am in a season like this – God teaches me more about me as I get to know more about Him.

So in anything and everything – find what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praise worthy.  God’s got you if you let him.

Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. ~Philippians 4:8-9 The Message

Finally a Rest Day

imageJanuary, 24, 2016

The Arms household has been very busy with a loaded schedule for the past several weeks.

I was was ecstatic when Thad told me he’d like to ignore the schedule today …. Time just just be a wife 😊❤️

Start your day right

start day January 23, 2016

The only sure fire way I know to have a rocky day is to get  rough start to my day.  How many times have you heard someone say “I just got up on the wrong side of the bed.”

I have a pretty set morning routine … the timing of it may vary from day to day based on commitments or my physical location, but my mornings include a couple of must haves:

  1. Prayer time!  Before my feet hit the floor, I have acknowledged and given thanks to God for the life I have and the day that is to come … Often, the Holy Spirit will bring other people and situations to mind to pray for as well.
  2. My Pink Drink!  Yes, I am fanatical about my Plexus – because it works.  I take Xfactor, MegaX and drink my Plexus Slim.
  3. Depending on the day – there might be a workout here!  Still working to figure out what this really needs to look like to best support me spiritually and neurologically,
  4. Get ready.  This time includes everything from peeing to brushing my teeth to getting dressed.  My feet are on the floor and I am moving.
  5. Breakfast!  My morning meal is what really gets the body going.  My body knows my day is on once I get my protein.
  6. The final piece of my morning is time in The Word.  This is when I immerse myself in the Word of God.  He has been transforming me by the renewing of my mind years.  I chose to embrace discipline to make time with Him about 7 years ago.   I can not even imagine where I would be today without him.  And yes, my time in the word is last – so it is the first thing on my mind when I begin whatever it is the day holds for me.  It also gives me extended time with God if my “day” starts later.

I don’t know how you create the foundation for a great day, but I pray you find what works for you!

Take care of hearts

hearts and business January 22, 2016

I remember dancing around the house to a song – “Taking care of business, working overtime!”  Catchy tune and yes, I am sorry that you may now be singing that all day long!

When I started my career, this lyric became my mantra – get it done no matter what!  I was a task master on a good day and a slave driver on my worst.  Every deadline had to be met and this mentality turned me into a hot mess that no one wanted to be around.  Eventually that world crumbled in around me and my life changed in an instant.

Almost 12 years later, I still have “business” to take care of … lots of good stuff going on in my world.  And it is a season of transition and so new stuff has started and old stuff is winding down.  It is all good stuff – there is just a boatload of it right now.

My goal over the next couple of weeks …. take care of the hearts in my world as I work to get the tasks done.  I do believe that if I keep God at the center and do the “work” as if I am working for him alone – the hearts will come first.

Please God help me and keep the task master list driven Lisa in a box somewhere so that loving Lisa that can do all things bringing glory to your name is the only one people encounter!

God always knows best

January 21, 2016

Today was a day filled with uncertainty and strange events …. A simple little example – it hailed today in Dallas.

There are a lot of cool, fun, challenging, exciting things going on in our world.  There are also a lot of crazy, chaotic, hurtful, things going on in our world.  Today, we are choosing to see all of it as good.

God is sovereign over both circumstances… Whether He caused it or permitted it – He will use it for my good and His glory. He uses everything to grow me and make me more like him.  My prayer is that no matter what situation I find myself in that I would represent His love and light bringing Him glory no matter what!