Hidden Gems: Uncovering Blessings and Lessons in Unexpected Places

Life’s a wild ride, full of twists and turns, and sometimes the most profound blessings and life lessons come from the most unexpected places. Who knew this journey would continue down a bumpy and treacherous road … and who knew how many lessons God had waiting for me in a literal bag of shit hanging on my belly!
(And yes, it may seem weird to be reflecting on this instead of Christmas at this time of year, and I am on a liquid diet preparing for my reversal surgery tomorrow … so indulge me as I say thank you to my bag for all it taught me about me and the scattering of seeds God planted in this season that will grow for years and even decades to come ….)
Think about it. How long had I gone about my days, following the same old routine, not expecting much to change? And then, out of the blue, something happens turned my world upside down. It’s in these moments, these serendipitous surprises, that we find the true treasures of life.
I’m talking about the kind of experiences that catch us off guard, yet leave us wiser, stronger, and more connected to the world around us. This time for me, it was a setback that taught resilience, identity and the power of belief. I am known for saying God’s got this! Its everywhere (even on a sign hanging in my office) and yet when this whole season of life started, I had a serious crisis of belief … was I being punished? had I done something wrong? why me? how can I really live like this?
In the quiet still moments, God reminded me of truth – His Truth! This journey was for my ultimate good and looking back over the past 5 months, I see His hand writing the story and making sure I knew He was with me – providing absolute provision every step of the way. Starting with the timing and the surgeon on call, all the way through a dear friend who is a nephrology PA to guide me and get me in with the best urologist for the addition of a nephrostomy tube (bag lady took on a whole new meaning y’all).
God welcomed my doubts, fears, the anger, the wrestling, the tears, the shame, the embarrassment and even the numerous f bombs during more meltdowns than I care to admit. God truly carried me through and let me live in His lap being cradled non-stop.
He also taught me to find joy in the simple things, like the laughter of good company or the peace that comes with a quiet middle of the night moments where I can feel alone. It’s the lessons learned when every challenge is a teacher in disguise, pushing us to grow and expand beyond our imagined limits. How do I really define myself? Am I still me with bags hanging off of me that I swear the world can smell even though everyone around me says they can’t.
So here’s what I want to leave you with: keep your eyes and your heart open. Embrace the unexpected, and look for the blessings and lessons tucked away in the nooks and crannies of every single moment of your life. They’re there, I promise you, sometimes hidden as sheer hell, just waiting to be discovered, cleaned up and polished till they shine.
Remember, it’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey and the surprises along the way that make life so beautifully unpredictable. So go on, get out there, and let life surprise you. You never know what amazing things are just around the corner.